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Journal Article 
In situ chemical oxidation of BTEX and MTBE by ferrate: pH dependence and stability 
Pepino Minetti, RC; Macaño, HR; Britch, J; Allende, MC 
Journal of Hazardous Materials
ISSN: 0304-3894
EISSN: 1873-3336 
Pt B 
Gasoline spills from underground storage tanks are a worldwide environmental problem. BTEX and MtBE are the compounds of gasoline that present the highest degree of migration due to their chemical properties, and are therefore able to impact groundwater reservoirs. In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) is an emerging technology for groundwater remediation. Several compounds such as permanganate and hydrogen peroxide among others have been used as oxidants, a strong impact of pH on the relative stabilities and reduction potentials having been in each case determined. This paper presents a study of stability and degradation of BTEX and MtBE at different pH ranges of a novel oxidant for ISCO, potassium ferrate (K2FeO4). To carry out this study, BTEX and MtBE solutions were prepared in different phosphate buffers (pH 5,8; 7; 9; 10 and 11) in concentration ratio of (FeO4(-2))/(BTEX+MtBE)=100:1. Each solution was analyzed at different times by gas chromatography with photoionization and tandem mass spectrometer detector. The results show a higher degree of degradation at pH 7 for Benzene and Toluene, and at pH 9 for Ethyl benzene and Xylenes, while MtBE proved recalcitrant to degradation by ferrate. The most favorable pH for stability of FeO4(-2) solution was confirmed in 9-10. 
• Ethylbenzene
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