Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO)

How to Use HERO

How to Browse

You can search HERO by selecting a project from the Project page. This will take you to the project's reference page where documents that are used in the assessment development process are sorted by author. These references can be narrowed and searched using the criteria provided.

Viewing Search Results

If you receive more than 50 results, the first 50 will be displayed with a link to subsequent records, 50 to a page. The total number of "hits" will also be displayed.

Your search results will initially display as a list sorted by year, with the newest at the top. Following the full citation is the first line of the document's abstract, when available. Click the plus sign to view the entire abstract and then the minus sign to minimize it. When results are viewed as a grid, all columns can be resorted by their header.

Click on the Reference Details button or title hyperlink to view more reference information. The "Related Link" will exit the HERO website and take you to the source of the document if it is available online.

Exporting Results

Check the boxes next to the reference(s) you want to export or use in your bibliography.

Click the Export icon to export the references to a 'hero.ris' file. You may rename the file when you save it, but keep the .ris extension.

When you open the file, you may import the information into your existing citation manager software (Endnote, Reference Manager, etc.)