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PFHxA (307-24-4)

958 References Were Found:

Journal Article
Journal Article

Hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge - effect of four reagents on relevant parameters related to biocrude and PFAS

Authors: Zhang, W; Liang, Y (2022) HERO ID: 10176795

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Interactions between dissolved organic matter and perfluoroalkyl acids in natural rivers and lakes: A case study of the northwest of Taihu Lake Basin, China

Authors: Li, XQ; Hua, ZL; Zhang, JY; Gu, L (2022) Water Research 216:118324. HERO ID: 10273408

Understanding the interactions between dissolved organic matter (DOM) and perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Occurrence and fate of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in urban waters of New Zealand

Authors: Lenka, SP; Kah, M; Padhye, LP (2022) Journal of Hazardous Materials 428:128257. HERO ID: 10176444

Information on the occurrence of PFAS in aquatic matrices of countries with no PFAS manufacturing, e.g., . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Aerobic biotransformation of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate by Dietzia aurantiaca J3 under sulfur-limiting conditions

Authors: Méndez, V; Holland, S; Bhardwaj, S; Mcdonald, J; Khan, S; O'Carroll, D; Pickford, R; Richards, S; O'Farrell, C; Coleman, N; Lee, M; Manefield, MJ (2022) Science of the Total Environment 829:154587. HERO ID: 10273409

The polyfluorinated alkyl substance 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTS) has been detected in diverse . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Distribution, sources, and dietetic-related health risk assessment of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in the agricultural environment of an industrial-agricultural interaction region (IAIR), Changshu, East China

Authors: Gao, C; Hua, ZL; Li, XQ (2022) Science of the Total Environment 809:152159. HERO ID: 10176458

The exploration of the distribution and dietetic-related health risks of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Review on Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances' (PFASs') Pollution Characteristics and Possible Sources in Surface Water and Precipitation of China

Authors: Wang, Fan; Zhuang, Y; Dong, B; Wu, J (2022) Water 14. HERO ID: 10273406

In recent years, due to the production and use of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), the . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Emerged macrophytes to the rescue: Perfluoroalkyl acid removal from wastewater and spiked solutions

Authors: Pellizzaro, A; Dal Ferro, N; Fant, M; Zerlottin, M; Borin, M (2022) Journal of Environmental Management 309:114703. HERO ID: 10273410

This study evaluated the potential for three emergent aquatic macrophytes to remove perfluoroalkyl acids . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Multiple pollutants in groundwater near an abandoned Chinese fluorine chemical park: concentrations, correlations and health risk assessments

Authors: Tang, J; Zhu, Y; Xiang, B; Li, Y; Tan, T; Xu, Y; Li, M (2022) Scientific Reports 12:3370. HERO ID: 10273403

Contamination and adverse effects from various pollutants often appear in abandoned industrial regions. . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) cycling within Michigan: Contaminated sites, landfills and wastewater treatment plants

Authors: Helmer, RW; Reeves, DM; Cassidy, DP (2022) Water Research 210:117983. HERO ID: 10176392

Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) from public and private sources in . . . [More]

The "refereed" or "peer review" status of a journal comes from the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (, as supplied by the publisher. The term refers to the system of critical evaluation of manuscripts/articles by professional colleagues or peers. The content of refereed publications is sanctioned, vetted, or otherwise approved by a peer-review or editorial board. The peer-review and evaluation system is utilized to protect, maintain, and raise the quality of scholarly material published in serials. Publications subject to the referee process are assumed, then, to contain higher quality content than those that are not.
Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Biscayne Bay surface waters and tap waters from South Florida

Authors: Li, X; Fatowe, M; Cui, D; Quinete, N (2022) Science of the Total Environment 806:150393. HERO ID: 9961931

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent anthropogenic pollutants present in many environmental . . . [More]