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Journal Article 
Potential mechanisms of adverse pulmonary and cardiovascular effects of particulate air pollution (PM10) 
Donaldson, K; Macnee, W 
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
ISSN: 1438-4639
EISSN: 1618-131X 
PM10 is the international convention for measuring
environmental particulate air pollution. Increases in PM10 have been linked to exacerbations of
airways disease and deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular causes. PM10 is a complex and
variable mixture but toxicological data suggests that ultrafine particles, transition metals and
endotoxins are the most likely components to mediate adverse health effects. Potential mechanisms
for the local and systemic adverse effects of PM10 are discussed. 
PM10; air pollution; ultrafine particles; transition metals; endotoxin; cardiovascular