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Journal Article 
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin(IV) Complexes Derivatives of Methyl- and Nitro-Substituted Monocarboxylic Acid: Preliminary in vitro Antibacterial Screening Activity 
Win, Y; Choong, CS; Ha, S; Teoh, SG; Eltayeb, NE 
Asian Journal of Chemistry
ISSN: 0970-7077
EISSN: 0975-427X 
Organotin(IV) carboxylate complexes derivatives of 3 methyl-4-nitrobenzoic acid (3-CH3-4-NO2-C6H3COOH) and 4-methyl-3-nitrobenzoic acid (4-CH3-3-NO2 C6H3COOH) have been successfully synthesized. Two dibutyltim(IV) complexes with the general
formulae {[X-CH3-Y-NO2-C6H3COO(C4H9)(2)Sn}(2)O](2) (X = meta,Y = para 1; X = para,Y = meta 3) and
another two triphenyltin(IV) complexes with the general formulae X-CH3-Y-NO2-C6H3COO(C6H5)(3)Sn
center dot CH3OH (X = meta,Y = para 2; X = para,Y = meta 4) were successfully synthesized., The
acids and complexes 1-4 obtained were characterized quantitatively and qualitatively. Results of
the infrared and NMR spectroscopy on the acids and complexes showed that the coordination took
place via oxygen atoms from the carboxylate anions. Based on the spectroscopy studies indicated
that one methanol molecule also take part in the coordination to tin(IV) atoms moiety in
complexes 2 and 4 resulting the tin(IV) atoms exhibited five coordination. From the preliminary
in vitro antibacterial screening activity, triphenyltin(IV) complexes (2 and 4) showed better
activity compared to diorganotin(IV) complexes (1 and 3). 
Organotin(IV) complexes; Synthesis; Characterization; In vitro antibacterial activity