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Journal Article 
Disorders of sex differentiation caused by exogenous sex hormones and endocrine disruptors 
Ohyama, K 
Nippon Rinsho
ISSN: 0047-1852 
Transplacental and lactogenic exposure of fetus and neonate to exogenous sex hormones and endocrine disrupters can cause a range of abnormalities of the reproductive system including sex differentiation and sex maturation. Sex differentiation is critically dependent on the normal action of androgens and can be disturbed by unbalanced androgen/estrogen action. Androgenic substances masculinize female fetus. Progestogens act both as androgen antagonists, demasculinizing males, and as androgen agonists, masculinizing females. Transplacental exposure of male fetus to diethylstilbestrol is recognized to have led to increases in the incidence of cryptorchidism, hypospadia and decreased sperm counts. A growing number of endocrine disrupters have been found to possess either weak estrogenic, anti-androgenic or other hormonal activities. Increased exposure to environmental endocrine disr upters can cause male pseudohermaphroditism. 
Endocrine Disruptors; Disorders of Sex Differentiation Sex Hormones; Teratogenicity