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Journal Article 
The Effect of Percutaneous Nitroglycerin Upon the Concentration of Serotonin, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Venous Blood from Migrainous Subjects During Attack-Free Intervals 
Dalsgaard-Nielsen, T; Bryndum, B; Fog-Moeller, F; Genefke, IK 
ISSN: 0017-8748
EISSN: 1526-4610 
The biochemical nature of the vasodilatory headache produced by nitroglycerin (55630) (NG) and the migrainous headache were compared. Nine female migrainous patients and six comparison female patients were involved in the study. An ointment containing 2 milligrams of nitroglycerin was rubbed on the patients foreheads. The ointment was removed after 25 to 35 minutes and a venous blood sample was drawn. Blood was examined for 5-hydroxytryptamine (50679) (5-HT), epinephrine (51434) (Ep), and norepinephrine (51412) (NE) content. The results were compared to blood tests taken before the experiment. In the comparison group, only one patient experienced a vascular headache after the application of NG, while all of the migrainous patients experienced vascular headaches. The results showed no change in plasma NE or Ep values in either group. Also the 5-HT content in the blood platelets remained unchanged in both groups. The mean NE value was 0.35 micrograms per liter (microg/l) before the experiment and 0.39 microg/l after. The mean Ep concentration was 0.09microg/l before and 0.11microg/l after the NG application. The authors conclude that the content of 5-HT, NE and Ep in venous blood does not change during an NG provoked headache.