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Journal Article 
The species composition, distribution, and structure of a testate amoeba community from a moss bog in the middle volga river basin 
Mazei, YuA; Tsyganov, AN; Bubnova, OA 
Zoologicheskii Zhurnal
ISSN: 0044-5134 
Fifty-nine species and intraspecific taxa of testate amoebae were identified from a sphagnum bog located in the upper Sura River basin (the Privolzhskaya Upland). Two types of testate amoeba communities were distinguished within the bog. The first type is formed within sphagnum quagmire under the low moisture conditions (sphagnum hummock) or under the high moisture (submerged sphagnum). The second type is restricted to the bottom sediments of drainage channels. In the sphagnum biotopes, the testate amoeba abundance changed from 1500 to 8500 ind./g of absolutely dry sphagnum moss. Three variants of communities with specific complexes of dominants and their strongly pronounced vertical differentiation were also distinguished there. With depth, the density of organisms decreased, and the share of empty shells increased; the structure of the communities changed. Under different microbiotopes, the pattern of vertical heterogeneity of the amoeba community was different depending on the conditions of microbiotopes.