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Journal Article 
WTC PM2.5 stimulates a more intense inflammatory response in human BAL cells than other ambient PM2.5 from NYC and surrounding environs 
Naveed, B; Weiden, MD; Rom, WN; Prezant, DJ; Comfort, AL; Chen, Y; Kwon, S; Chen, L; Gordon, T; Nolan, A 
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
ISSN: 1073-449X
EISSN: 1535-4970 
is part of a larger document 3452678 Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference, May 14-19, 2010, New Orleans
RATIONALE: Particulate matter (PM) exposure causes adverse health effects. The WTC collapse led to significant PM exposure and lung injury (Weiden et al. Chest 2009). The mechanism by which WTC PM causes pulmonary morbidity is not understood. WTC PM stimulates cytokine production in AM but the reactivity of WTC PM has not been compared to other ambient PM. We are investigating the differential cytokine effects on human alveolar cells, comparing ambient PM of WTC to ambient PM from NYC South Bronx (SB) and Sterling Forest (SF), a rural area northwest of NYC.

METHODS: WTC PM2.5 was provided by LC Chen (McGee, EHP 2003). SB and SF PM2.5 were provided by T. Gordon (Duvall, Inhalation Toxicology 2008). AM were obtained from Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) by adherence overnight. AM were exposed to 50µg/mL suspensions of WTC, SB, and SF PM. Media alone was the negative control and 40 ng/mL of LPS was the positive control. After 24hrs supernatants were collected and analyzed in duplicate using Human Cytokine Panel I (Millipore) on a Luminex-100.

RESULTS: Fold induction of mediators was expressed as ratios of PM exposure/media alone. Exposure to WTC PM was markedly more inflammatory than SB and SF, see Table 1. The most significant inductions were of the leukocyte growth factors (GM-CSF, G-CSF), a promoter of angiogenesis (VEGF), the chemokine (RANTES) and the potent multifunctional cytokine IL-6. LPS caused a greater induction for all of the analytes when compared to WTC PM except for IL-1ra.

CONCLUSIONS: WTC PM2.5 produces a marked inflammatory effect in comparison to PM2.5 obtained from both NYC and rural sites. The large number of cytokines induced by WTC PM may drive airway injury and may be biomarkers for lung injury. WTC PM has been observed in induced sputum obtained 9 months after 9/11/2001 and so the elaboration of cytokines may underlie the severe and long lasting health effects and lung injury produced by exposure to WTC PM. 
American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference 
New Orleans, LA 
May 14-19, 2010