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Technical Report 
Operational identification of metabolites of aminocarb 
Waggoner, TB 
5 References 
PESTAB. Studies were performed to identify the major metabolite of aminocarb formed on foliage of sprayed plants. Ring-labeled 14C-aminocarb was sprayed as a 1.4 OSC formulation in fuel oil to several 10-yr old Colorado blue spruce trees growing in the greenhouse in separate containers. Samples of foliage were collected periodically for 28 days after treatment. The major metabolite in the organosoluble fraction was identified as an intact carbamate and confirmed with an authentic standard as 4-(methylamino)-3-methylphenol methyl carbamate. Maximum residue levels of this metabolite occurred about 7 days after treatment. Throughout the study the metabolite level represented 1.8-2.4% of the level of aminocarb present. In soil studies, aminocarb was applied to sterilized soil and within 24 hr nearly 75% of the total 14C activity remained bound to the soil after extraction. The major metabolite in the extractable fraction was also 4-(methylamino)-3-methylphenol methyl carbamate; it comprised 3-4% of the total residue in the soil during the first 24 hr but only traces thereafter. In water and sediment studies, sandy loam soil was flooded with water for 30 days. Fresh pond water was then exchanged and aminocarb was added to the surface of the water without mixing. Major metabolites occurred in the organosoluble fraction and were identified as 4-(methylamino)-3-methylphenol methyl carbamate and aminocarb phenol.