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Journal Article 
Bromocriptine reduces steatosis in obese rodent models 
Davis, LM; Pei, Z; Trush, MA; Cheskin, LJ; Contoreggi, C; Mccullough, K; Watkins, PA; Moran, TH 
Journal of Hepatology
ISSN: 0168-8278
EISSN: 1600-0641 
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Obesity is a risk factor for glucose intolerance, steatosis, and oxidative stress, characteristics of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Bromocriptine may have anti-obesity, insulin-sensitizing, lipolytic, and antioxidant properties. We, therefore, hypothesized that bromocriptine would improve markers of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in obese rodent models.

METHODS: We performed a randomized, controlled experiment in genetically obese fatty Zucker rats and diet-induced obese rats to assess for behavioral and peripheral anti-obesity actions of bromocriptine (10mg/kg) that would improve nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

RESULTS: Behaviorally, food intake decreased and locomotor activity increased in bromocriptine-treated fatty Zucker and dietary-induced obese rats. Peripherally, liver triglycerides were significantly reduced and hepatic manganese superoxide dismutase significantly increased in bromocriptine-treated fatty Zucker and diet-induced obese rats compared to controls. Blood glucose was significantly lower in bromocriptine-treated Zucker rats compared to fatty controls and was no different than that of lean controls.

CONCLUSIONS: Improvements in obesigenic behaviors, glucose tolerance, hepatic lipid accumulation, and mitochondrial oxidative stress observed in genetically obese and diet-induced obese rodents indicate that bromocriptine may be promising as a broad-based therapy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.