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Technical Report 
Radiographic Progression of Asbestosis with and without Continued Exposure 
Gaensler, EA; Jederlinic, PJ; Mcloud, TC 
Part I 
Updated results were presented from epidemiological studies conducted of workers at six facilities where they were exposed to asbestos (1332214) in the course of their daily jobs. These facilities included shipyards, paper manufacturing sites, and manufacturers of insulation board. The results of the study suggested that asbestosis is a disappearing disease in that the prevalence has decreased from 47.6% with exposure prior to 1950 to 2.0% among those first exposed since 1960. Followup averaged 11 years for 522 persons and indicated progression of disease among 9% of those with continued exposure and among 36% of those with no further exposure. More frequent progression in the latter group was related to both earlier and more severe exposure and to a slightly longer period of followup. Among 60 matched pairs for age and years since first employment, there was a significantly greater degree of progression among the 60 smokers than was observed among the 60 nonsmokers. 
• OPPT_Asbestos, Part I: Chrysotile_F. Human Health
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