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Journal Article 
Mobile livestock keeping and climate change challenges in Africa 
Anya, MI; Ayuk, AA; Umoren, EP; Lifu, EO 
Outlook on Agriculture
ISSN: 0030-7270 
Livestock farming is one of the most important subsectors
of the agricultural economy of developing nations. In Africa, mobile livestock keeping (MLK), or
pastoralism, is crucial for rural livelihoods and food security, especially in the arid zones of
the continent. With rapid urbanization and population growth, the demand for livestock products
far outstrips supply. Climate change will exacerbate the situation because it will affect
livestock production systems, and vice versa. This paper reviews the complex interaction between
MLK and climate change, and proposes strategies to help sustain MLK as a key feature of rural
livelihoods in Africa. 
mobile livestock keeping; pastoralism; greenhouse gases; climate change; food security