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Journal Article 
A case of Tannerite(®) target mixture causing severe blast injury 
Rebowe, RE; Harbour, P; Carter, JE; Molnar, JA 
Tannerite(®) is a proprietary blend of an oxidizer, ammonium nitrate, and aluminum powder catalyst used to make homemade exploding targets. While it is currently approved for unrestricted sale in the United States, it can be used to form devices capable of inflicting major blast injury. We present here a case of close proximity exposure to detonation of the mixed Tannerite(®) blend. In our patient, the exposure lead to injuries typical of blast injury, such as tympanic membrane rupture, globe injury, and severe burns. We review here the sequelae of blast injuries that one must consider when treating a patient with close proximity exposure to Tannerite, with considerations unique to this product. 
• Nitrate/Nitrite
     ATSDR literature
     Broad LitSearch 2016/1/1 - 2017/12/5
          Sodium, Potassium, & Ammonium Compounds
     Ref Types 12/2017
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     LitSearch Update 2016-2017