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Technical Report 
IARC Monograph 
Cancer incidence in five continents, Vol. IX 
Curado, MP; Shin, HR; Storm, H; Ferlay, J; Heanue, M; Boyle, P 
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 
Lyon, France 
IARC Scientific Publication No. 160 
Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Vol. IX 
Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) Volume IX presents incidence data from populations all over the world for which good quality data are available.

A detailed questionnaire was requested to be completed by all cancer registries that were able to contribute to Volume IX and also by national registry associations and networks. The registries could delegate data submission to their associations but had to submit their own questionnaires. All instructions for preparing the data were explained in the questionnaire and an email address,, was expressly created to handle all correspondence relative to the preparation of this volume. The reference time period for Volume IX was defined to be 1998–2002; in order to allow the Editors to verify some aspects of quality, comparability and completeness for each submission, the contributors were asked to also send data for the years prior to the reference period. 
Curado, MP; Shin, HR; Storm, H; Ferlay, J; Heanue, M; Boyle, P 
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