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Journal Article 
Interaction of ammonium with birnessite: Evidence of a chemical and structural transformation in alkaline aqueous medium 
Boumaiza, H; Coustel, R; Despas, C; Ruby, C; Bergaoui, L 
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
ISSN: 0022-4596
EISSN: 1095-726X 
The ammonium cation interaction with Na-birnessite in aqueous alkaline medium was studied. Solution and solid analysis give evidence that birnessite is not only acting as a cationic exchanger toward NH4+. The surface analysis performed by XPS showed that Nis spectra are characterized by the existence of two different environments: one assignable to an interlayer NH4+ and the second to a chemisorbed N-species. Structural and chemical transformations were observed on birnessite with nitrogen mass balance deficit. The monitoring of NH4+, Na+, Mn-2(+), NO3- and NO2- and solid changes (average oxidation state of Mn, cation exchange capacity, solid nitrogen content and symmetry evolution identified by XRD and FTIR) indicate unambiguously that NH4+ reacts chemically with the birnessite. 
Birnessite; Ammonium; Surface reactivity; Structural transformation; XPS