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Ch. 8: Ecosystems, biodiversity, and ecosystem service 
Groffman, PM; Kareiva, P; Carter, S; Grimm, NB; Lawler, J; Mack, M; Matzek, V; Tallis, H 
U.S. Global Change Research Program 
Washington, DC 
Climate change impacts in the United States: The third National Climate Assessment 
is a chapter of 2828356 Climate change impacts in the United States: The third National Climate Assessment
Key Messages
1. Climate change impacts on ecosystems reduce their ability to improve water quality and regulate water flows.

2. Climate change, combined with other stressors, is overwhelming the capacity of ecosystems to buffer the impacts from extreme events like fires, floods, and storms.

3. Landscapes and seascapes are changing rapidly, and species, including many iconic species, may disappear from regions where they have been prevalent or become extinct, altering some regions so much that their mix of plant and animal life will become almost unrecognizable.

4. Timing of critical biological events, such as spring bud burst, emergence from overwintering, and the start of migrations, has shifted, leading to important impacts on species and habitats.

5. Whole system management is often more effective than focusing on one species at a time, and can help reduce the harm to wildlife, natural assets, and human well-being that climate disruption might cause. 
Melillo, JM; Richmond, TC; Yohe, GW 
• ISA NOxSOxPM Ecology (2018)
     Cited in the Second Draft
          Chapter 1
          Appendix 13
• ISA NOxSOxPM Ecology (2020- Final Project Page)
          Integrated Synthesis
          Appendix 13