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Journal Article 
Toxicity of several xenobiotics and waste water effluents measured with a new fish early life stage test 
Pluta H-J 
Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Zoologie
ISSN: 0044-2291 
BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. Within the first step of the investigation, basic-data related to embryonic and larval development of rainbow trout have been determined using a new and optimized flow-through system. The following parameters could be shown to be useful and easy to measure; mortalities during egg-resp. yolk-sac-phase, hatching period and total mortality, growth rates, amount of time until hatching, heart-beat frequency before and after hatching. Rainbow trout embryos and larvae showed a concentration dependent increase of heart-beat frequency (EC 0(Lindane) = 2,1 mug/l; EC 0(Atrazine) = 4,4 = 9,6 mug/l) and a decrease of developing time until hatching (EC 0(Lindane) = 1,1 mug/l; EC 0(Atrazine) = 5,7 mug/l). The LC 50(ELST)-value referring to total mortality is 141,5 mug/l in case of Lindane. The highest sensibility of rainbow trouts was found with postlarvae. Mortalities during embryonic and larval development was significantly lower. ELST with carps gave higher mortalities with increasi