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Journal Article 
Issledovanie sostoianiya embriogeneza i potomstva krys pri vozdeistvii postoronnikh veshchestv, soderzhashchikhsya v pishche. [Analysis of the embryogenesis and progeny of rats exposed to xenobiotics contained in food products.] 
Shtenberg, AI; Zaeva, GN; Rysina, TZ; Krinitskaya, NA; Bogatykh, TA; Safronova, AM 
Voprosy Pitaniya
ISSN: 0042-8833 
PESTAB. The results of experiments on the evaluation of embryotoxicity of various xenobiotics (pesticides and heavy metals) contained in food products are reviewed. The most pronounced teratogenic effect of gamma-HCCH (alpha-BHC; lindane) was recorded after administration throughout gestation. Benlate (benomyl) induced the most pronounced disturbances of embryogenesis after administration from day 7 to day 15 of gestation. Xenobiotics altered the activity of a number of key enzymes and the level of SH-groups in a mother-fetus system. Developmental anomalies induced by Sevin (carbaryl) were found to increase in successive generations; the lethality within the mo 1 of the neonatal period increased from 4% in generation 3, to 10% in generation 4, and 18% in generation 5.