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Journal Article 
Effect of selected repellent chemicals on honey bees in canola and alfalfa fields 
Sahebzadeh, N; Ebadi, R; Khajehali, J 
Journal of Apicultural Research
ISSN: 0021-8839 
Summary in Spanish. 
Honey bees are beneficial insects that might be harmed by pesticides and application of repellent chemical compounds has been considered to be one of the best ways to protect them. This study shows the effects of 2-ethylhexylamine, dibutylamine and methyl salicylate on honey bees as repellent chemicals, with and without benzyl benzoate, dibutyl phthalate and benzyl alcohol as fixative compounds. The study was conducted on canola and alfalfa fields in the spring and summer. The design of the experiment was factorial split in the form of randomized blocks. Sampling was carried out twice a day (11.00 and 14.00) to assess the residual (stability) effect of the various compounds. The results showed that on canola, the tested repellent chemicals had a repellent effect, repellency of 2-ethylhexylamine and methyl salicylate being highest at 11.00. On alfalfa, methyl salicylate had the highest repellency effect on honey bees (83.88 %). The mixtures of methyl salicylate and dibutyl phthalate (89.79 %), dibutylamine and benzyl benzoate (86.63 %), methyl salicylate and benzyl alcohol (85.44 %), and methyl salicylate alone (83.93 %) had the greatest repellency effect on honey bees. On alfalfa, there was no significant difference between sampling times. 
repellent chemicals; fixative compounds; honey bees