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Journal Article 
Inverse gas chromatography of lignocellulosic fibers coated with a thermosetting polymer: Use of peak maximum and conder and young methods 
Kamdem, DP; Riedl, B 
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
ISSN: 0021-9797
EISSN: 1095-7103 
The Conder and Young (CY) and the peak maximum (PM) methods were used to estimate the retention time of n-alkane probes on chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) wood fibers treated with a low molecular weight grade phenol-formaldehyde resin (PFR). Thermodynamic functions (ΔHao, ΔGao, and ΔSao) and the London dispersive component of the surface energy were derived from these retention times. Treated wood fibers show a high energy surface due to the presence of the thermoset resin on their surface. Values of ΔHao obtained from the CY method were higher than those obtained with the PM method at relatively high temperatures and with relatively low molecular weight alkanes. The results from the two methods were identical at low temperature (293 K) and with the relatively high molecular weight alkane n-undecane.