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Journal Article 
Electrical performance of polyester/styrene under accelerated aging in a salt fog chamber 
Risk, MSM; Nasrat, LS; Nosseir, A; Doss, NL; Soliman, A 
3187/1-4 vol.3 
This paper presents the experimental results done to examine the tracking and erosion performance of polyester material under accelerated aging. Cylindrical rod samples of 13 mm diameter and 100 mm long prepared from polyester with styrene monomer have been used. The AC (50 Hz) surface aging of polyester samples has been investigated under salt fog conditions. Various methods to describe the surface aging of polyester material such as the average of the leakage current, the cumulative charge and the weight loss have been investigated. The effect of adding inorganic fillers such as; Kaolin, Felspar and Quartz on the electrical performance of polyester/styrene have been studied. The role of the filler and the effect of concentration in imparting track resistance to the material is also investigated.