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Journal Article 
Three Dangerous Misconceptions Surrounding OSHA's Silica Dust Standard for General Industry: the Journal of Industrial Health, Occupational Medicine and the Surgery of Trauma 
Watkins, S 
Occupational Health and Safety
ISSN: 0362-4064 
Although the dangers of respirable crystalline silica have been known for more than 80 years, silica dust has only recently begun to be recognized as the major health hazard it is. In fact, silica is now frequently referred to in safety circles as "the new asbestos:' However, despite the fact that the risks are well known, many employers still haven't taken the steps required for compliance. These steps include measuring worker exposure, implementing controls to keep exposure below the specified limits, and verifying that those controls work. In talking with our customers as well as outside safety consultants, we've learned that one reason many general industry employers still haven't complied is that they don't entirely understand the new standard and how it applies to them. The new general industry standard sets the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for silica at 50 μg/m3, calculated as an 8-hour TWA. That's roughly half of the previous PEL. 
Occupational Health And Safety; Occupational health; Hazardous substances; Construction industry; Asbestos; Industry standards; Exposure; Silicon dioxide; Occupational safety; Occupational exposure; United States--US