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Journal Article 
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Pediatric Feeding Disorders: Roles of the Speech-Language Pathologist and Behavioral Psychologist 
Gosa, MM; Dodrill, P; Lefton-Greif, MA; Silverman, A; , 
Purpose Pediatric feeding disorders (PFDs) present as a complex clinical challenge because of the heterogeneous underlying etiologies and their impact on health, safety, growth, and psychosocial development. A multidisciplinary team approach is essential for accurate diagnosis and prompt interventions to lessen the burdens associated with PFDs. The role of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) as a member of the multidisciplinary team will be highlighted. Method This clinical focus article reviews the definition of PFDs and pertinent literature on factors that contribute to the development of PFDs, the accurate diagnosis, and current interventions for infants and children. As part of the multidisciplinary team, the SLP has an integral role in determining whether a child cannot or will not eat and working with the team to identify and carryout appropriate interventions. Collaboration between SLPs and psychologists/behavioral specialists in conjunction with the parents/caregivers as part of the multidisciplinary team is essential to the advancement of therapeutic goals. Conclusions Due to their complex nature, the successful management of PFDs is only possible with the care and expertise of a multidisciplinary team, which includes parents/caregivers. SLPs are important members of these multidisciplinary teams and provide valuable input for the accurate identification and effective remediation of PFDs. 
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