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Computer Program 
[HENRYWIN] Henry’s Law Constant Program for Microsoft Windows [estimation model] 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics :: EPA OPPT 
is related to other part(s) 2347246 Estimation Programs Interface Suite™ for Microsoft® Windows, v 4.11
is related to other part(s) 7182390 Estimation Programs Interface Suite™ for Microsoft® Windows, v. 4.10
HENRYWIN is based on methodology originally described by Hine and Mookerjee but has been updated with additional fragments and correction factors and to allow estimation at different temperatures. HENRYWIN uses three different estimation methods:
1. Vapor pressure / water solubility estimate – This is the most robust and accurate method because it uses measured data, but only works when experimental VP and WS are entered by the user.
2. Group method estimate – This method is preferred over the Bond method because it is more accurate when sufficient fragment coverage is achieved. This method is not always provided since it includes a smaller set of fragments, and as a result there are no estimates for many structure types.
3. Bond contribution method estimate – This method has a larger set of fragments thus can provide estimates for many more structure types. 