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Journal Article 
Physical Activity 
Rogers, LQ; Carter, SJ; Williams, G; Courneya, KS; , 
Springer International Publishing 
Handbook of Cancer Survivorship 
Physical activity plays an important role in improving and maintaining the health and well-being of the cancer survivor. However, the physical and psychological impact of the cancer diagnosis and its treatment make physical activity less likely to occur. Hence, translating available scientific data regarding physical activity benefits and behavior change for broader use is critical to cancer survivorship care. In this chapter, we discuss relevant exercise definitions and physical activity prevalence in cancer survivors and summarize physical activity benefits as they relate to cancer outcomes and rehabilitation along with hypothesized mechanisms. We also review potential physical activity risks and the role of physical activity for cancer survivor caregivers. We then discuss physical activity behavior change interventions and potential “active ingredients” of such interventions. Lastly, we provide resources for applying exercise interventions for cancer survivors, program interventionists, and health-care professionals.