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Journal Article 
Lightweight multi-hop VLC using compression and data-dependent multiple pulse modulation 
Sejan, MAS; Chung, WY 
Optics Express
ISSN: 1094-4087 
Particulate matter (PM) has a diameter of few micrometers, which causes different illnesses. We used visible light communication (VLC) to transfer PM data to a user monitoring terminal in real-time. To reduce the time and power required for communication, we compressed the PM data. Subsequently, these compressed data were transmitted using a modulation technique called data-dependent multiple pulse position modulation (DDMPPM). We evaluate the performance of DDMPPM for multi-hop communication in VLC through practical experiments. For the same data set, DDMPPM utilizes a lesser frame to transfer PM data. Using DDMPPM, we achieved a total communication distance of 48 m. 
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