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Journal Article 
A review on general introduction to medicinal plants, its phytochemicals and role of heavy metal and inorganic constituents 
Ullah, N; Zahoor, M; Khan, FA; Khan, S 
Life Science Journal
ISSN: 1097-8135 
Plants play an important role in the development of new drugs. Phytochemicals are the natural compound occur in plants, vegetables and fruits, that work with nutrients and fibers to act against diseases or more specifically to act against diseases. As the plants are directly in contact with air, water and soil, the constituents of these sources might contaminate the plants. In addition to the toxic elements such as mercury, arsenic, lead, nickel and cadmium which might be present in some plants and threatened the consumer health, especially the children and elderly. Useful elements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and iron are also usually present in plants which help the good health. Many countries have already evaluated their popular herbal medicines with regard to toxic heavy metals. 
Heavy metal; Inorganic constituent; Medicinal plant; Phytochemical