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Journal Article 
Study on phytochemicals, fatty acid analysis and antimicrobial activity of Abrus precatorius Linn seeds 
Krishnaveni, M; Nandhini, N; Dhanalakshmi, R 
Abrus precatorius Linn seeds called Gundumani in Tamil is a brightly colored seed, most seeds are black, red and has been used in Siddha medicine for centuries. It had been widely introduced by humans, and the brightly colored and hard-shelled seeds are spread by birds. By the end of the twentieth century, it had been announced as an invasive weed in many regions including Belize, Caribbean Islands, Hawaii, India, Polynesia and parts of the United States. In the present study, GC-MS was applied for the analysis of phytochemicals present in the ethanol extract of Abrus precatorius seeds. Likewise, fatty acids present were analyzed using hexane extract. Among the phytochemicals identified, lipid compound was found to be predominant in seeds whereas linoleic acid was predominant among fatty acids studied. It was found to be active against bacteria when compared to fungi. 
Abrus precatorius; Fatty acid methyl ester; GC-MS; Phytochemicals; Seeds