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Journal Article 
Serum biochemical values and mineral contents of tissues in guizhou semi fine wool sheep 
Yun, SX; Kuan, CY; Ning, XK; Cheng, WH; Hua, ZJ 
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
ISSN: 1680-5593 
Reference values were established for hematological and serum biochemical constituents in Guizhou Fine Wool sheep in China. The contents of mineral elements in the blood, wool and liver of Guizhou Fine Wool sheep were also measured. All values are reported for the 1st time for Guizhou Fine Wool sheep in China. Most hematological and serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle, goats and camels but the mean thyroxine concentration was half that in goats. The liver contained the highest concentrations of copper and iron. The concentrations of cobalt, zinc, manganese and molybdenum in wool were within the reference range for other ruminants. The mean iron, copper and selenium concentrations in the liver were significantly higher than those in other ruminants. © Medwell Journals, 2013. 
Enzymes; Guizhou Fine Wool sheep; Hematological; Minerals; Thyroxine