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Journal Article 
Nebivolol lowers blood pressure and increases weight loss in patients with hypertension and diabetes in regard to age 
Ladage, D; Reidenbach, C; Rieckeheer, E; Graf, C; Schwinger, RH; Brixius, K 
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
ISSN: 0160-2446
EISSN: 1533-4023 
In patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and arterial hypertension, the control of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is essential to reduce the risk of adverse events. The present study investigates the effect of treatment with the third-generation beta-blocker nebivolol, in female and male patients of different ages.

Five thousand thirty-one male and female patients with mild to moderate hypertension and type 2 diabetes were treated with a daily dose of 5-mg nebivolol for 12 weeks. Before and after therapy, each patient's blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight were measured and blood samples were obtained to study metabolic parameters.

Nebivolol reduced systolic blood pressure, in both sexes, to a similar extent. In regard to age, the most significant reduction in blood pressure over the 12-week treatment period was observed in the group of patients below the age of 40. With advancing age, there was a decline in the reduction of systolic blood pressure induced by nebivolol. This effect was more evident among the decennial age groups in respect to diastolic blood pressure. In addition, we found weight reduction to be age dependent. Body weight was significantly more reduced in men compared with women.

Nebivolol is effective in treating patients with diabetes suffering from high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. The significantly decreased effect on blood pressure found in elderly patients may be attributed to increased endothelial dysfunction with advancing age. 
nebivolol; hypertension; diabetes; age; gender