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Phthalates: Occurrence and human exposure 
Fromme, H 
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health 
Phthalates are high-volume industrial chemicals commonly used as a plasticizer in various applications. They have adverse effects on the liver, kidneys, and mainly the reproductive system, and act as endocrine disrupting agents. Meanwhile phthalates can be found in all environmental media, and exposure can take place via multiple routes. Overall, dietary intake is the dominated exposure route for most of these substances, particularly for DEHP. The most important policy-relevant question is the recent exposure during infancy and childhood and other critical times of development like pregnancy. These data are urgently needed for a valid risk assessment. © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 
Consumer; DEHP; DiNP; DnBP; Dust; Exposure; Food; Human biomonitoring; Indoor air; Phthalates