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Journal Article 
Surgical Management of Lymph Node Compartments in Papillary Thyroid Cancer 
Sturgeon, C; Yang, A; Elaraj, D 
Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America
ISSN: 1055-3207 
Although papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) commonly metastasizes to cervical lymph nodes, prophylactic central neck dissection is controversial. The primary treatment for lymph node metastases is surgical resection. Patients diagnosed with PTC should be assessed preoperatively by cervical ultrasound to evaluate central and lateral neck lymph node compartments. Sonographically suspicious lymph nodes in the lateral neck should be biopsied for cytology or thyroglobulin levels. Any compartment (central or lateral) that has definitive proof of nodal metastases should be formally dissected at the time of thyroidectomy.