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Journal Article 
Pathological role of Nox proteins 
Miller, F 
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
ISSN: 0891-5849
EISSN: 1873-4596 
is part of a larger document 3452652 SFRBM's 15th Annual Meeting: Program and Abstracts
In vascular cells, the NADPH oxidases contribute to normal physiologic signaling and have been identifi ed as a primary source of “oxidative stress” and pathologic redox activation in cardiovascular disease. The Nox subunits represent the catalytic site of NADPH oxidase and are responsible for generation of superoxide. We will discuss the expression and function of the various Nox homologs and their potential role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Data will also be reviewed discussing the compartmentalization of Nox-derived reactive oxygen species as a mechanism for providing specifi city in cell signaling. Finally, we will review recent data demonstrating that changes in extracellular redox potential will induce Nox1 expression through signal transduction pathways involving EGFR. 
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine 15th Annual Meeting 
Indianapolis, IN 
November 19-23, 2008