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Technical Report 
Factors in Selecting and Applying Commercial Explosives and Blasting Agents 
Dick, RA 
U.S. Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior 
Washington, D.C. 
The properties of explosives are reviewed including strength, velocity, density, detonation pressure, water resistance and fume class. Criteria for the selection of an explosive are discussed: physical conditions such as hardness and density of the work, geological features, moisture conditions, and available ventilation. The ingredients used in the manufacture of high explosives are classified as explosive bases, combustibles, oxygen carriers, antacids and sorbents. Three types of dynamites are described: straight nitroglycerin (55630), high density ammonia (7664417), and low density ammonia. The properties and uses of blasting gelatin, straight gelatin, ammonia gelatin, and semi gelatin are presented. Dry blasting agents and slurry blasting agents are discussed. Military explosives such as trinitrotoluene (118967), and cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (121824) are presented. Devices used for initiating high explosives are discussed: blasting caps, electric blasting caps, delay blasting caps, and cap fuses. The author suggests that though this report is general in nature, more information on specific explosives can be obtained from any of a number of companies. 
DCN-118274; Explosives; Explosive devices; Weight factors; Fumes; Materials handling; Safety measures; Work practices; Explosive atmospheres 
Information Circular No. 8405(22) 
• RDX (121-82-4)
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