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Journal Article 
Structure-activity relationships in the rat hepatocyte DNA-repair test for 300 chemicals 
Williams, GM; Mori, H; Mcqueen, CA 
Mutation Research
ISSN: 0027-5107
EISSN: 1873-135X 
312 chemicals/mixtures were tested for genotoxicity in the rat hepatocyte/DNA-repair test. A variety of structure-activity relationships was evident. Of the 309 pure chemicals, 142 were positive. Of these, 43 were judged by IARC to have sufficient or limited evidence of carcinogenicity and none of the remainder was a proven noncarcinogen. Among the 167 negative chemicals, 44 were carcinogens. Some of these are known to be genotoxic in other systems, but based on several lines of evidence, many are considered to be epigenetic carcinogens that lack the ability to react with DNA and rather lead to neoplasia by nongenotoxic mechanisms. 
DNA-repair test; rat hepatocyte; Rat hepatocyte NDA-repair test; Structure-activity relationships 
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