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Journal Article 
Bidirectional exchange of biogenic volatiles with vegetation: emission sources, reactions, breakdown and deposition 
Niinemets, U; Fares, S; Harley, P; Jardine, KJ 
Plant, Cell and Environment
ISSN: 0140-7791
EISSN: 1365-3040 
Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions are widely modelled as inputs to atmospheric chemistry simulations. However, BVOC may interact with cellular structures and neighbouring leaves in a complex manner during volatile diffusion from the sites of release to leaf boundary layer and during turbulent transport to the atmospheric boundary layer. Furthermore, recent observations demonstrate that the BVOC emissions are bidirectional, and uptake and deposition of BVOC and their oxidation products are the rule rather than the exception. This review summarizes current knowledge of within-leaf reactions of synthesized volatiles with reactive oxygen species (ROS), uptake, deposition and storage of volatiles, and their oxidation products as driven by adsorption on leaf surface and solubilization and enzymatic detoxification inside leaves. The available evidence indicates that because of the reactions with ROS and enzymatic metabolism, the BVOC gross production rates are much larger than previously thought. The degree to which volatiles react within leaves and can be potentially taken up by vegetation depends upon compound reactivity, physicochemical characteristics, as well as upon their participation in leaf metabolism. We argue that future models should be based upon the concept of bidirectional BVOC exchange and consider modification of BVOC sink/source strengths by within-leaf metabolism and storage. 
catabolism; compound breakdown; compound reactivity; emission controls; physicochemical characteristics; reactive oxygen species; volatile uptake 
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