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Technical Report 
Toedlichkeitsgrenzen fuer Albino-Ratten bei Anwending kleiner Sprengstoffmengen (Morbidity Limits for Albino Rats with the Application of Small Explosives) 
Wuesnche, O 
Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches Weil Am Rhein (Germany F R) 
This study reviews experiments on albino rats to determine the impact of very small explosions on survival and biological function. Tabular summaries of the rats' death and injury rates are provided (immediate death, short-term survival, long-term survival, complete survival) based on the size, position, and distance of the explosive. The study also examines and provides microscopoc-scale photographs of pathological changes to the lungs. 
rats, explosives, lung, wounds and injuries, albinism, biology, explosions, long range(time), germany, tables(data), pathology, survival(personnel), death, german language, morbidity, aq f05-01-0119, microscopoc-scale photographs, foreign reports