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Journal Article 
Cardiorespiratory effects of venous air embolism in dogs receiving a perfluorocarbon emulsion 
Tuman, KJ; Spiess, BD; Mccarthy, RJ; Ivankovich, AD 
Journal of Neurosurgery
ISSN: 0022-3085
EISSN: 1933-0693 
The cardiorespiratory effects of a nonlethal venous air embolism were studied in dogs in the presence of a perfluorocarbon emulsion (PFE). Prior to embolization, five dogs received 20 cc/kg of hydroxyethyl starch (6% HES) and five received PFE oxypherol (20% FC-43). Determinations of mean systemic arterial pressure (MAP), pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), left ventricular pressure (LVP), first and second derivatives of LVP with respect to time (dP/dt and Vmax), cardiac index (CI), stroke index, left and right ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI and RVSWI), PaCO2, PaO2, and venous admixture (Qs/Qt) were made before and then 1, 5, 10, and 30 minutes after placement of the venous air emboli (0.75 cc/kg/min for 5 minutes). After emboli were introduced, PaO2, MAP, LVSWI, dP/dt, Vmax, and CI decreased; the average decrease during the first 5 minutes was significantly less in the PFE group. Following introduction of venous air emboli, PAP, PaCO2, RVSWI, and Qs/Qt increased less in the PFE group than in the HES group, with statistical significance achieved at various times during the first 10 minutes after embolism. All parameters returned toward baseline values by 30 minutes in both groups. This study indicates that FC-43, when administered before venous air embolism, helps to attenuate some of the detrimental cardiorespiratory effects of the embolism. 
• 6:2 diPAP
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• Additional PFAS (formerly XAgency)
• ^Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
     6:2 diPAP (57677-95-9)
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