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Journal Article 
Treatment of anogenital warts 
Handley, J; Dinsmore, W 
3/3 (251-265) 
This article critically reviews both established and experimental treatment modalities for anogenital (AG) warts. Efficacy, cost, safety, advantages and disadvantages of each therapy are directly compared and treatment algorithms are suggested. Treatment of AG warts in pregnant women and prepubertal children is discussed. As AG warts are a sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention of infection and the need to screen and treat patients and their sexual partners for other concurrent infections is stressed. The majority of patients with AG warts also have subclinical or latent HPV infection/associated disease of the AG tract. In this regard all such women should be screened for the presence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 
alpha interferon ,drug therapy ,dt