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Journal Article 
Biodiesel fuel from rapeseed oil as prepared in supercritical methanol 
Saka, S; Kusdiana, D 
ISSN: 0016-2361
EISSN: 1873-7153 
Elsevier Science, The Boulevard Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB 
The transesterification of rapseed oil was studied in supercritical methanol with and without catalyst. For a preheating temperature of 350 degree C, 240 s of supercritical treatment of methanol was sufficient to convert rapeseed oil to methyl esters. The prepared methyl esters were virtually the same as those obtained by the more conventional route with a basic catalyst but the yield without catalyst was higher than with. Merits of this new process include shorter reaction time and simpler purification of end-products since no catalyst is used. 
supercritical methanol; methyl esters; biodiesel 
• Methanol (Non-Cancer)
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