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Journal Article 
Emerging issues for endocrine disrupting chemicals in naval operations 
Briggs, GB; Still, KR 
ISSN: 0040-3709
EISSN: 1096-9926 
The Navy is engaged in a risk reduction program that provides occupational health professionals with guidance for preventing exposure to reproductive health. The Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment (Toxicology), (NMRI/TD), is responsible for developing biomedical data necessary to characterize the toxicity of materials of interest to the Navy. NMRI/TD staff also conducts occupational and environmental health hazard evaluations and risk assessments. The Navy is correlating research with the CENR Endocrine Disruptor Work Group and governmental agencies to determine potential health and ecological effects, risk uncertainties and research needs. An inventory has been submitted to define current Department of Defense research activities on endocrine disrupting agents. Efforts to establish a screening program to detect potential estrogen mimicking chemicals have been launched. A research initiative to evaluate potential occupational exposure to estrogens to human health risk has been initiated. Results of these activities will be used to develop risk assessment guidelines and formulate exposure guidelines for endocrine disruptors. The objective is to help ensure the readiness of the fleet for accomplishing the Mission. Examples of chemicals suspected of causing adverse reproductive toxicity include Bisphenol A, phthalates, organochloride pesticides, heavy metals and selective active ingredients in paints and solvents. Research efforts in surrogate laboratory animals are being conducted to reduce uncertainty and to provide data for use in preventing adverse human health effects. The goal is to reduce human health risks to acceptable levels in both training and battlefield scenarios.