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Journal Article 
Dermatitis from cetyl and stearyl alcohols 
Gaul, LE 
Archives of Dermatology
ISSN: 0003-987X
EISSN: 1538-3652 
A white woman, age 28, was seen for an oozing dermatitis of the flexor aspect of the left arm. The lids were swollen. A faint, blotchy, urticarial-like response spotted the left face and neck. The onset was one week prior to examination. The initiating factor was an irritation on the left forearm where a green canvas being sewn into boy scout tents had rubbed the skin. The weather was hot and sticky.

Three proprietaries had been applied to treat the area, one after the other. Overnight the arm began to weep followed by a near universal and diffuse papular reaction noteable for the lack of itching and erythema. She was admitted to the hospital for study. The healing time was remarkably short. After four days only a dull erythema remained in the antecubital region. She was discharged and resumed work three days later. Handling the green canvas produced a prompt recurrence of a blotchy erythema on the left arm and eyelids.

Two years ago she had been hospitalized for a similar attack. It appeared first on the legs and thighs then spread to the arms and face. A conspicuous feature was the swollen lips. At this time she had been working in a film developing laboratory. Patch test investigations were refused. The involution time was six days, similar to that of the present attack. 
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