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Journal Article 
Bladder cancer risk among laundry workers, dry cleaners, and others in chemically-related occupations 
Smith, EM; Miller, ER; Woolson, RF; Brown, CK 
Journal of Occupational Medicine
ISSN: 0096-1736
EISSN: 2332-3795 
Many studies have shown that occupational chemical exposures have a role in the development of cancers in the lower urinary tract. A number of occupations, such as those of printers, typesetters, refinery workers, rubber product makes, chemical workers, and painters, have been associated with increased risk of bladder cancer. Laundry workers and dry cleaners are exposed to some of the same chemicals- e.g., trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene glycol ethers, and benzene (as a chemical contaminant). Although solvents and chlorinated hydrocarbons to which dry cleaners are exposed are not known human bladder carcinogens, a number of these are known carcinogens of the kidney and liver. Despite these potential carcinogenic risks, Chapman et al. found a larger than expected proportion of male controls who had been laundry and dry cleaners, and Blair et al. found a nearly significant decreased proportionate mortality ratio among this occupational group (p=.08). This study examined bladder cancer risk among individuals employed as laundry workers and dry cleaners and in other occupations and industries with similar chemical exposures and compared it with that of workers in occupations or industries that did not expose them to these chemicals. 
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          Human hazard ID