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Journal Article 
Heavy metals in surface soils of the Warta river valley in an urban area 
Lewandowski, P; Burghardt, W; Ilnicki, P 
Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenernaehrung und Bodenkunde
ISSN: 0044-3263 
BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. In the urban area of the city of Poznan the contamination with heavy metals was investigated. From the top soil layers of five cross-sections of the valley of the Warta river 87 samples were collected. Beside common soil characteristics the contents of arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, phosphorus and zinc were analyzed. Predominantly the level of contamination with heavy metals is low in the valley soils. A higher level was found in the area of the old city centre. Especially the contents of lead, copper and zinc were raised. Downstream of the sewage plant discharge into the river Warta increased contents of lead and cadmium were found. The distribution of heavy metals in the river Warta sediments indicates that the reason of the local increase of heavy metal contents is the sewage water discharge. Correlations between the content of different heavy metals and other soil properties (pH, clay and P-content, C ratio) was calculated. 
urban soils; soil use; heavy metals; P-content 
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