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Journal Article 
Using self-organization to control morphology in molecular photovoltaics 
Kang, SJ; Ahn, S; Kim, JB; Schenck, C; Hiszpanski, AM; Oh, S; Schiros, T; Loo, YL; Nuckolls, C 
Journal of the American Chemical Society
ISSN: 0002-7863
EISSN: 1520-5126 
This manuscript explores the formation of well-defined molecular p-n junctions in solution-processed self-assembled hetero-junction solar cells using dodecyloxy-substituted contorted hexabenzocoronene (12-c-HBC) as a donor material and phenyl-C70-butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM) as an acceptor. We find that the contorted 12-c-HBC molecules effectively assemble in solution to form a nested structure with the ball-shaped PC70BM. The result is a self-assembled molecular-scale p-n junction. When this well-defined p-n junction is embedded in active films we make efficient self-assembled solar cells with minimal amounts of donor material relative to the acceptor. The power conversion efficiency is drastically enhanced by the mode of donor and acceptor as-sembly within the film. 
• n-Butanol
     Database searches
     Source – January 2013 (private)
          Pubmed - 1/2013
          Merged reference set - 1/2013
     Database Searches - March 2014 (private)
          Pubmed - 3/2014
     Excluded (not pertinent)
          Not chemical specific