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Journal Article 
Chemical changes of organic compounds in chlorinated water: XVII. Production of mutagens in reactions of naphthalene compounds with hypochlorite in aqueous solution 
Onodera, S; Muratani, T; Igarashi, K; Fukuda, A; Suzuki, S 
Eisei Kagaku / Journal of Hygienic Chemistry
ISSN: 0013-273X 
BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. The reaction products of naphthalene and its methyl derivatives (1- and 2-methyl-, 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-, 1,5-, 1,8- 2,3- and 2,6-dimethyl-, and 2,3,5-trimethyl substituents) with hypochlorite in water were determined by means of gas chromatography, and were tested for mutagenicity on Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100. Naphthalene compounds were shown to produce a variety of chlorination products, including chloro-substituted, oxygenated, and hydroxylated compounds, in chlorinated water. None of these compounds before chlorination was mutagenic to the tester strains TA98 and TA100 with or without the rat hepatic S9 mix. However, treatment with hypochlorite of naphthalene, 1- and 2-methylnaphthalenes, 1,3- and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalenes, and 2,3,5-trimethylnaphthalene in water was shown to produce mutagens in strain TA98 without S9 mix. Several samples obtained from the chlorinated 2-methylnaphthalene, 1,5- and 1,8-dimethylnaphthalene, and 2,3,5-trimethylnaphthalene solutio 
Biochemical Studies-General; Toxicology-Environmental and Industrial Toxicology; Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria; Microbiological Apparatus; Enterobacteriaceae (1979- ) 
• Naphthalene
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