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Journal Article 
Changes In The Blood As Reflecting Industrial Damage 
Meyer, S 
Journal of Industrial Hygiene
ISSN: 0095-9022 
Blood changes caused by exposure to chemical substances are reviewed. Blood changes measured for work place exposure to benzol (71432) (BZ), toluol (108883) (TL), xylol (1330207) (XL), naphthalene (91203) (NT), nitro compounds, arsine (7784421) (AS), thallium (7440280) (TL), trichlorethylene (79016) (TCE), and cyanide (57125) (CN) are evaluated. Regardless of which poison is present, the lymphocytes show an increased number in the blood stream. Neutrophils are forced back or repressed. All diseases due to functional disturbances of the endocrine glands result in an advance of lymphocytes and retreat of neutrophilic cells. This same alteration of the leukocytic formula is possessed by endocrine/sympathetic nervous system diseases. Functional disorders of the endocrine glands have been brought into consideration as exogenous factors in the causation of pernicious anemia. Lack of internal secretion produces an increase in functional activity of the reticuloendothelial system, which results in an augmentation of blood formation. The degree of anemia becomes directly proportional to adrenal insufficiency. Blood changes may be an early indicator or the only indicator of serious damage. 
DCN-121881; Industrial medicine; Hematology; Toxic effects; Occupational exposure; Medical surveys; Health protection; Diagnostic techniques; Health hazards; Employee exposure