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Journal Article 
Influence of life-history parameters on organochlorine concentrations in free-ranging killer whales (Orcinus orca) from Prince William Sound, AK 
Ylitalo, GM; Matkin, CO; Buzitis, J; Krahn, MM; Jones, LL; Rowles, T; Stein, JE 
Science of the Total Environment
ISSN: 0048-9697
EISSN: 1879-1026 
Certain populations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) have been extensively studied over the past 30 years, including populations that use Puget Sound, WA, the inside waters of British Columbia, Southeastern Alaska and Kenai Fjords/Prince William Sound, Alaska. Two eco-types of killer whales, 'transient' and 'resident', occur in all of these regions. These eco-types are genetically distinct and differ in various aspects of morphology, vocalization patterns, diet and habitat use. Various genetic and photo-identification studies of eastern North Pacific killer whales have provided information on the male-female composition of most of these resident pods and transient groups, as well as the approximate ages, reproductive status and putative recruitment order (birth order) of the individual whales. Biopsy blubber samples of free-ranging resident and transient killer whales from the Kenai Fjords/Prince William Sound,, AK region were acquired during the 1994-1999 field seasons and analyzed for selected organochlorines (OCs), including dioxin-like CB congeners and DDTs. Concentrations of OCs in transient killer whales (marine mammal-eating) were much higher than those found in resident animals (fish-eating) apparently due to differences in diets of these two killer whale eco-types. Certain life-history parameters such as sex, age and reproductive status also influenced the concentrations of OCs in the Alaskan killer whales. Reproductive female whales contained much lower levels of OCs than sexually immature whales or mature male animals in the same age class likely due to transfer of OCs from the female to her offspring during gestation and lactation. Recruitment order also influenced the concentrations of OCs in the Alaskan killer whales. In adult mate residents, first-recruited whales contained much higher OC concentrations than those measured in non-first-recruited (e.g. second recruited. third recruited) resident animals in the same age group. This study provides baseline OC data for free ranging Alaskan killer whales for which there is little contaminant information. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 
killer whales; transients; residents; organochlorines; chlorobiphenyls (CBs); DDTs; toxic equivalents (TEQs) 
• PCBs
          LitSearch August 2015