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Journal Article 
Direct Anti-Markovnikov Addition of Water to Olefin To Synthesize Primary Alcohols: A Theoretical Study 
Ceylan, YS; Cundari, TR 
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
ISSN: 1089-5639
EISSN: 1520-5215 
Anti-Markovnikov addition of water to olefins has been a long-standing goal in catalysis. The [Rh(COD)(DPEphos)]+ complex was found as a general and regioselective group 9 catalyst for intermolecular hydroamination of alkenes. The reaction mechanism was adapted for intermolecular hydration of alkenes catalyzed by a [Rh(DPEphos)]+ catalyst and studied by DFT calculations. Olefin hydration pathways were analyzed for anti-Markovnikov and Markovnikov regioselectivity. On the basis of the DFT results, the operating mechanism can be summarized as follows: styrene activation through nucleophilic attack by OHδ- of water to alkene with simultaneous Hδ+ transfer to the Rh; this is then followed by formation of primary alcohol via reductive elimination. The competitive formation of phenylethane was studied via a β-elimination pathway followed by hydrogenation. The origin of the regioselectivity (Markovnikov vs anti-Markovnikov) was analyzed by means of studying the molecular orbitals, plus natural atomic charges, and shown to be primarily orbital-driven rather than charge-driven. 
• Ethylbenzene
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